петък, 26 декември 2014 г.


A journal for eastern and western short forms
 May / June 30, 2012 ~ Volume 7, No. 3 ~ 42


a flower teemed with
lots of spotted ladybirds…
petals bristle up

faint moonlight…
the wind signature
out of sight

sunset sups
casting gleams on me…
wide foreseeing eyes

a half-empty well…
willow loosing green branches
lots of leaves below

a seashell…
which creature
has it left

a cloud...
today’s bride
of the sky

wedding cake...
a lot of snapshots
where’s the bride?

a dew drop…
sun caressing  its
                                    morning bride   -     Bernard Gieske' choice                                                       

Enormous sea glistening behind
This branchless, leafless tree
Eager to tell legends how it
Rifled with the storms,
Nestled sailors’ fears
In its dried powerless trunk -
Tabernacle of dreams for
Years and centuries…       

billowing clouds
travelling to the sundown...
                                              crimson drops of light                           9th Place Tie

linings of light through
                                                   billowing clouds                          10th Place Tie

billowing clouds let go down
crimson drops of light

      scorching sun
drying herbs lost their
                                           healing strength -      Karina Klesko's first choice 

1)      Summer Kigo: " scorching sun": Sky and elements: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society (San Jose) Kigo List with San Francisco Bay Area Regional Kigo, Summer Season.

summer day…
mowed grass-scented breeze
reaching my nostrils

2)      Summer Kigo: "scented breeze": Sky and elements: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society (San Jose) Kigo List with San Francisco Bay Area Regional Kigo, Summer Season.

cooling wind…
rattan chairs in the garden
awaiting for me

3)      Summer Kigo: "rattan chair": Human Affairs: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society (San Jose) Kigo List with San Francisco Bay Area Regional Kigo, Summer Season.

in full day…
summer thistles up
my hand hurts

4)      Summer Kigo: " summer thistle": Plants: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society (San Jose) Kigo List with San Francisco Bay Area Regional Kigo, Summer Season.

dill flowers
along the pathway…

5)      Summer Kigo: " dill flower": Plants: Yuki Teikei Haiku Society (San Jose) Kigo List with San Francisco Bay Area Regional Kigo, Summer Season.

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