четвъртък, 4 април 2013 г.

so many good tidings

so many good tidings

in the torn cloud wings …

cathedral spires

tant de bonnes nouvelles

dans les ailes déchirés du nuage...

flèches de cathédrale

Tante buone notizie

 nelle ali lacerate delle nubi...

guglie di cattedrale*

*translated by Giordano Genghini

Diana Teneva

Between the Words, Beyond the Senses

first date
an ice-breaking

premier rendez-vous
une glace-brisante
Diana Teneva 

Per Diem for April: Between the Words, Beyond the Senses


butterfly wings

butterfly wings
pinned in the yucca leaves
. . . a dangerous neighbour

  Diana Teneva: Haskovo, Bulgaria (BG)
15th Place Tie

"Butterfly"International Kukai, March 2013

сряда, 3 април 2013 г.

Between the Words, Beyond the Senses

the lipstick on your
shirt not mine… the fireplace
warmth not enough

червилото по твоята
риза не е мое... топлината
от камината недостатъчна

Diana Teneva

Per Diem for April: Between the Words, Beyond the Senses